Rent a Cabin

Interested in renting a cabin from Built to Move? Here's how you can.

Complete our rental appilcation online
If you want to rent a cabin, fill out our rental application online. We'll need to know your ideal rental start date, details about the location and site you plan to put your cabin on and how you plan to use it.
Site visit
Once we receive your application to rent a cabin, we'll check our stock availability and let you know if we can help. Then we'll get back to you to organise a site visit to your planned cabin location, to check things like access and the terrain of your site.
Lease Agreement
We'll send you a lease agreement to sign and return.
If everything checks out, we'll make a time with you to deliver your cabin to your site.
Connect to Power and Move In
Use the power cable supplied to hook up to an external power source, move in your stuff and you're ready to go!
Book in your next inspection
Once you've settled in, we'll see you every three months for an inspection